67 Contrail hybrid motors are now Tripoli certified!
Contrail Rockets Hybrid Motor HardwareContrail 75mm and 98mm hybrid motor systems consist of three pieces of hardware: the oxidizer tank, the combustion chamber, and the nozzle. All three are connected with hex-head flush mounting bolts. To assemble a Contrail 75mm motor, you select one of three different sizes of oxidizer tank, one of four different sizes of combustion chamber, and one of three different nozzles, and bolt them together. 75mm reload kits come with a fuel grain, a set of fill and vent tubes, an igniter, and a set of injectors that screw into the oxidizer tank. The fuel grain is cast in a paper liner; several different fuel formulas are available. Contrail 38mm and 54mm hybrids are monotube motors with an internal injector baffle that separates the fuel grain from the oxidizer compartment. The injector baffle can be in different positions depending on the length of the fuel grain (like the "floating injector" motors made by Ratt Works, Propulsion Polymers and Sky Ripper). There are five different 38mm motor lengths. The forward bulkhead/vent and injector baffle are the same for all 38mm motors (except for the J800, which requires a special high speed injector baffle), and they are all held in place by external snap rings. There are three different nozzles available: slow, medium and fast/x-fast. The injector orifice comes with the reload kit and is not part of the standard hardware set; it is used once and replaced. Two fuel grains are used: solid PVC, and a high regression rate fuel that is cast in a thin PVC liner. The combinations of different motor casing lengths, different nozzles, different injector sizes, and different fuel formulas makes the Contrail hybrid motors the most flexible hybrid motor hardware available. Contrail Rockets has demonstrated a commitment to certify and produce as many practical motor combinations as possible. This makes the Contrail motor hardware an outstanding value.
You can purchase Contrail hardware in three different ways:
Components are also sold separately. So, for example, if you get the 3200cc 75mm Hardware Set with a Medium combustion chamber nozzle for the L122 load, you can add a Long combustion chamber and Fast nozzle to allow you to use the L2525 and M2281 loads. The 38mm Injector Baffle and Forward Bulkhead are the same across all 38mm motor sizes, so once you have one 38mm Motor Hardware System you can simply add different motor casing lengths to the hardware you already have, and use more motor combinations. |
Details of the Contrail 75mm hybrid motor hardware (98mm and 152mm hardware is similar) |
![]() Fuel Grains are available in several different propellant compositions. Since this is a hybrid motor, the fuel grain has no oxidizer mixed with it like conventional solid propellant. It is shippable without hazmat restrictions and does not require special storage. |
![]() ![]() There are three Nozzles: Slow, Medium and Fast. The nozzle itself is a precision machined piece with a graphite insert; the throat of the graphite insert determines the nozzle speed. The nozzle bolts into the aft of the Combustion Chamber with flush mounted hex head bolts and is sealed with two O-rings. There is a groove just above the bell section of the nozzle for a snap ring that serves as a thrust ring and retention device.
![]() The upper section of the Contrail motor is the Tank Assembly, which incorporates the five-port Injector. The oxidizer tank vents through the center port of the injector. No extra hole or fitting in the rocket body is required for the vent line. The vent line is secured outside by a special fitting that can be attached to the launch pad in a position where it is easily visible. The igniter has an internal tube that slides onto the central 1/8 inch vent tube. It also has two separate heater elements, requiring 24 volts instead of the usual 12 volts. |
![]() Each Reload kit contains a Fuel Grain, a bundle of tubing, an igniter, and five push-to-connect injector fittings. The bundle ("loom") of tubing has four outer tubes and once center tube. The center tube is the vent, and is always 1/8 inch clear tubing. Two of the outer four tubes are looped, and the other two are connected to the fill system to fill the oxidizer tank.
Contrail reloads are non-pyrotechnic as shipped. They require the addition of Pyrodex pellets as igniter boosters. This allows them to be shipped and stored without regulatory issues. |
Motor | N2O Tank | Total Impulse nt/sec |
Peak Thrust lbs |
Nozzle | Burn Time seconds |
Fuel Grain | Total Motor Length |
O6300 | 15000cc | 28197 | 2850 | Fast | 4.51 | Black Gold | 72 in. |
Catalog Number | Item Name | Price |
CR-152-SYS | Complete 152mm Motor System: One tank, one combustion chamber, one nozzle |
$2495 |
Motor | Hardware Required | Fuel Type | Catalog Number | Price |
O6300 | Standard | Black Gold Fuel | CR-152-O6300-BG | $1000 |
Motor | N2O Tank | Combustion Chamber | Nozzle | Fuel Grain | Total Motor Length |
M2800 | 5300cc | Standard | XFast | Black Gold | 1524mm 60 in. |
M2700 | 5300cc | Standard | XFast | Black Smoke | 1524mm 60 in. |
M1575 | 5300cc | Standard | Medium | Black Gold | 1524mm 60 in. |
Catalog Number |
Item Name |
Price |
CR-98-SYS | Complete 98mm Motor System: One tank, one combustion chamber, one nozzle housing, two nozzle inserts (XFast, Medium) |
$1000 |
Motor | Hardware Required |
Fuel Type |
Catalog Number |
Price |
M2800 | Standard
tank, combustion chamber and nozzle housing, XFast nozzle insert |
Black Gold Fuel | CR-98-M2800-BGXF | $225 |
M2700 | Standard
tank, combustion chamber and nozzle housing, XFast nozzle insert |
Black Smoke Fuel | CR-98-M2700-BSXF | $225 |
M1575 | Standard
tank, combustion chamber and nozzle housing, Medium nozzle insert |
Black Gold Fuel | CR-98-M1575-BGM | $200 |
Motor | N2O Tank | Combustion Chamber | Nozzle | Fuel Grain | Total Motor Length | Catalog Number | Price |
M2281 | 3200cc | 18 in. (Long) | Fast | Fast Black | 1524mm 60 in. |
CR-M2281-FB | $130 |
M1491 | 3200cc | 12 in. (Medium) | Medium | Medium Black | 1372mm 54 in. |
CR-M1491-MB | $95 |
M711 | 3200cc | 12 in. (Medium) | Slow | Slow Black | 1372mm 54 in. |
CR-M711-SB | $95 |
L2525 | 3200cc | 18 in. (Long) | Fast | Black Gold Fast | 1524mm 60 in. |
CR-L2525-FB | $130 |
L1428 | 3200cc | 18 in. (Long) | Fast | Fast Sparky | 1524mm 60 in. |
CR-L1428-FS | $95 |
L1222 | 3200cc | 12 in. (Medium) | Medium | Medium Sparky | 1372mm 54 in. |
CR-L1222-MS | $95 |
L800 | 3200cc | 12 in. (Medium) | Medium | Black Gold | 1372mm 54 in. |
CR-L800-BGM | $95 |
L369 | 3200cc | 12 in. (Medium) | Slow | Sparky | 1372mm 54 in. |
CR-L369-SS | $95 |
K888 | 2050cc | 10 in. (Short) | Medium | Medium Black | 1016mm 40 in. |
CR-K888-MB | $85 |
K777 | 2050cc | 10 in. (Short) | Medium | Medium Black Gold | 1016 mm 40 in |
CR-K777-SM | $75 |
K707 | 1400cc | 8 in. (Mini) | Medium | Black Gold | 813mm 32 in. |
CR-K707-BGM | $75 |
K678 | 2050cc | 10 in. (Short) | Medium | Black Gold | 1016mm 40 in |
CR-K678-BGM | $85 |
K630 | 1400cc | 8 in. (Mini) | Medium | Sparky | 813mm 32 in. |
CR-K630-SM | $75 |
K543 | 1400cc | 8 in. (Mini) | Slow | Slow Black | 813mm 32 in. |
CR-K543-SB | $75 |
K456 | 1400cc | 8 in. (Mini) | Slow | Sparky | 813 mm 32 in |
CR-K456-BGS | $85 |
K404 | 2050cc | 10 in. (Short) | Slow | Sparky | 1016mm 40 in |
CR-K404-SPS | $85 |
K300 | 2050cc | 10 in. (Short) | Slow | Black Smoke | 1016mm 40 in |
CR-K300-BSS | $85 |
Contrail 38mm hybrid motors are monotube motors with internal components held in place with snap rings. There are five motor casing lengths available: 16 inch, 20 inch, 28 inch, 36 inch and 48 inch. Three nozzles are available: Slow, Medium and Fast. The Injector Baffle and Forward Bulkhead are identical throughout the motor range. The orifice that screws into the Injector Baffle is supplied with each reload kit, and is used only once.
Contrail 54mm hybrid motors are similar to the 38mm series. Four nozzles are currently available: Slow, Medium/Fast, X-Fast and XX-Fast (an X-Slow and ridiculously fast nozzle are in work). Two injectors are used: one uses a single port, and one uses three ports. As with all Contrail motors, each reload kit includes the right size injector orifices and appropriate fill tubing, configured in loops if necessary.
Contrail 38mm and 54mm motors are ignited with a special resistor igniter that requires 24 volts. Pyrodex pellets are required for ignition. Pyrodex pellets are commonly available at gun and recreation stores (including many Wal-Mart and K-Mart stores, or online) and do not require special storage or permits. Full details are in the Contrail instructions; contact us if you have any questions.
Motor Designation | Casing Length (inches) |
Fuel Grain | Nozzle Speed | Average Thrust (Nt) |
Peak Thrust (Nt) |
Total Impulse (Nt/Sec) |
Burn Time (Sec) |
Price 3-pack |
J800 | 48 | HP | XXF* | 758 | 4840 | 928 | 1.2 | $80 |
J555 | 48 | HP | **X-Fast | 497 | 2500 | 795 | 1.6 | $70 |
J345 | 48 | PVC | Fast | 318 | 1222 | 891 | 2.7 | $50 |
J333 | 48 | HP | Fast | 305 | 1227 | 733 | 2.4 | $60 |
J242 | 48 | PVC | Medium | 242 | 875 | 752 | 3.1 | $45 |
J222 | 48 | HP | Medium | 216 | 786 | 928 | 4.3 | $60 |
J246 | 36 | HP | Medium | 238 | 490 | 673 | 2.8 | $60 |
J150 | 36 | HP | Slow | 155 | 490 | 654 | 4.1 | $60 |
I727 | 36 | HP | XXF | .7 | $80 | |||
I400 | 36 | HP | **X-Fast | 398 | 1006 | 432 | 1 | $70 |
I333 | 36 | PVC | Fast | 329 | 853 | 556 | 1.7 | $50 |
I307 | 36 | HP | Fast | 308 | 777 | 573 | 1.85 | $60 |
I290 | 36 | Sparky | Fast | $70 | ||||
I210 | 36 | PVC | Medium | 182 | 648 | 497 | 2.72 | $45 |
I747 | 28 | HP | XXF* | .5 | $80 | |||
I500 | 28 | HP | **X-Fast | 479 | 1069 | 336 | 0.7 | $70 |
I255 | 28 | HP | Medium | 255 | 736 | 430 | 1.7 | $60 |
I221 | 28 | PVC | Medium | 203 | 433 | 335 | 1.74 | $45 |
I155 | 28 | HP | Slow | 155 | 366 | 451 | 3.5 | $60 |
H340 | 28 | Sparky | Fast | $70 | ||||
H277 | 28 | HP | Fast | 252 | 793 | 292 | 1.15 | $60 |
H246 | 28 | PVC | Fast | 246 | 746 | 262 | 1.1 | $60 |
H246 | 20 | HP | Medium | 238 | 653 | 222 | 0.9 | $60 |
H303 | 20 | PVC | Fast | 283 | 752 | 170 | 0.6 | $45 |
H300 | 20 | HP | Fast | 259 | 710 | 161 | 0.62 | $60 |
H211 | 20 | PVC | Medium | 211 | 674 | 206 | 0.97 | $45 |
H141 | 20 | PVC | Slow | 141 | 297 | 241 | 1.7 | $45 |
H121 | 20 | HP | Slow | 121 | 294 | 225 | 1.85 | $60 |
H222 | 16 | HP | Medium | 225 | 619 | 161 | 0.7 | $60 |
G300 | 16 | PVC | Fast | 288 | 689 | 100 | 0.25 | $45 |
G130 | 16 | PVC | Medium | 115 | 706 | 100 | 0.86 | $45 |
G123 | 16 | HP | Slow | 123 | 413 | 142 | 1.15 | $60 |
G100 | 16 | PVC | Slow | 101 | 230 | 146 | 1.43 | $45 |
* XXF motors requires a special injector baffle and nozzle, sold separately.
**"X-Fast" uses the Fast nozzle, so there are only three nozzles in the complete set (Slow, Medium, Fast). "X-Fast" refers to the combination of the Fast nozzle and 5/16 inch injector fitting (the fitting comes with the reload pack).
Motor Designation | Casing Length (inches) |
Fuel Grain | Nozzle Speed | Average Thrust (Nt) |
Total Impulse (Nt/Sec) |
Burn Time (Sec) |
Price (Single load) |
J245 | 28 | Black Gold | Slow | 245 | 644 | 2.62 | $44 |
J292 | 28 | Sparky | Slow | 291 | 791 | 2.33 | $44 |
J355 | 28 | Black Gold | Medium | 357 | 670 | 1.875 | $44 |
J234 | 36 | Black Gold | Slow | 239 | 1033 | 4.3 | $44 |
J272 | 36 | Sparky | Slow | 276 | 1138 | 3.88 | $44 |
J358 | 36 | Black Gold | Medium | 358 | 1108 | 2.79 | $44 |
J416 | 36 | Sparky | Medium | 416 | 1118 | 2.68 | $44 |
J642 | 36 | Black Gold | X-Fast | 633 | 1115 | 1.73 | $54 |
K234 | 48 | Black Gold | Slow | 234 | 1657 | 7.04 | $44 |
K265 | 48 | Sparky | Slow | 265 | 1684 | 6.26 | $44 |
K321 | 48 | Black Gold | Medium | 320 | 1570 | 4.89 | $44 |
K555 | 48 | Black Gold | X-Fast | 554 | 1686 | 3.04 | $54 |