Pratt Hobbies, Inc.
Rocketry Catalog
 Innovative Launch Systems and Accessories
for Model Hobbyists



Doug Pratt's other hobby is narrating audiobooks!

 Check out some of his  narrations available on!


Pratt Hobbies
11556 Platten Rd
Lyndonville, NY 14098









Online ordering is shut down due to repeated email hacking.
GO Boxes and Microbeacons are available from Apogee Components and Aerospace Specialty Products.
To order directly, please email or



We are still supporting hybrid fliers!

We have a supply of Hypertek products that were donated to a local club, that we are selling at a discount for them. Please email if you are interested.

All Contrail Rockets motors and reloads are available and will be for the foreseeable future.


Info Pages

Here are some useful and interesting articles, video clips, including CanSat lesson plans, hybrid motor information, and other good stuff.


Pratt Hobbies is a specialty manufacturer; we don't try to carry everything you might need. For other hobby products, we highly recommend these companies. Each company listed here is run by personal friends, and we know that you will be well served when you choose their products.

bullet Performance Hobbies
bullet Apogee Components, Inc.
bulletLOC Precision
bulletPublic Missiles
bullet The Boomerang Man (an old friend with some cool flying stuff!)
bullet Aerotech Inc.
bulletAerospace Specialty Products
bulletMiller Motor Works
bulletFruity Chutes High Power Parachutes
bulletMARSA4 Flight Computer

More Information about the Sport of Rocketry

The National Association of Rocketry was founded over 55 years ago. NAR has taken the lead in getting rocketry legalized in places where it was covered by obsolete fireworks laws, and is in the forefront of the effort to keep the sport from being regulated to death. NAR writes the competition rules and sponsors most of the rocketry competitions in the USA. NAR members receive individual liability insurance coverage. Best of all, you get a subscription to  Sport Rocketry Magazine. We at Pratt Hobbies are proud to be long-term members of NAR (like, since 1964). Go to, write to the National Association of Rocketry, Box 407, Marion, IA 52302 or call 800-262-4872 for membership information.

The Tripoli Rocketry Association is devoted to the high power end of the sport. Through the Tripoli certification program, members can qualify to buy and use H and higher motors, hybrid motors and other advanced technology. Tripoli works closely with the NAR on regulatory and legal issues, and the two organizations are in harmony on their certification and engine testing programs. Write to Tripoli Rocketry Association, PO Box 970010, Orem, UT 84057-0010 for membership information.

We proudly support the educational programs of the Federation of Galaxy Explorers.

There is an active group of hybrid motor fliers on Yahoo Groups: hybridrocketmotors.


Guy Help!
Are you clueless when it comes to finding gifts for your Significant Other? Welcome to the club. We found professional help, from a rocket wife who offers Avon® products!


For the best in rocketry simulation software, building supplies, and excellent kits, we recommend
Apogee Components!


Our R&D Department!